CaseLawPedia is a project whose aim is to provide access to European case law of national courts. It will try to overcome the limitations of financial and human resources necessary to create any kind of central database of case law of national courts in the EU by using wiki and drawing on legal expertise of private individuals.
The focus of this database is the European case law of national courts, e.g. cases in which national court apply or interpret European law (or national law which implements European law), or cases which implement preliminary rulings by ECJ. It is meant for practising lawyers, researchers, law students, in fact anyone with interest in law. It is designed as collaborative, open content database where users are at the same time contributors.
The call is directed to practising lawyers, researchers, law students, in fact anyone with interest in law. You can contribute anonymously or you can indicate your name and professional affiliation.
All types of contributions are welcome. Ideally a judgment presentation should cover the following elements:
- Text of judgment in the original language
- Translation into a foreign language (e.g. EN, FR, GE)
- Summary in a foreign language (e.g. EN, FR, GE)
- References to foreign judgments (foreign law)
- Analysis
For details see:
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